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Bivariate Analysis

1. the association between boarding screeners and security violations has sample size of n=20 with a Mean of boarding screeners  = 261.2 and Mean security violations  =  252.5. 

boarding <-c(287, 243,237,227,247,264,247,247,251,254,277,303,285,254,280,264,261,292,248,253)
secruity<- c(271,261,230,225,236,252,243,247,238,274,256,305,273,234,261,265,241,292,228,252)

cor.test(boarding, secruity)

Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  boarding and secruity
t = 6.5033, df = 18, p-value = 4.088e-06
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.6276251 0.9339189
sample estimates:

plot(boarding, secruity)


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